There are a lot of good suggestions here.
However, I would encourage you to check out a true blue Dynaco ST70, either used, or new and available through Kevin at If you need someone to build it for you, he has a network of folks to provide that.
For all the criticism leveled at the ST70 over the past half centure, it remains one of the touchstone products in audio, and possesses a magic that most high-end audio components never come close to. The only real negatives I find with it are 1) lack of power compared to a larger amp and 2) subpar performance in the low frequencies. It took me 25 years of overlooking them, only to discover as one of the finest, most engaging products I've encountered.
However, I would encourage you to check out a true blue Dynaco ST70, either used, or new and available through Kevin at If you need someone to build it for you, he has a network of folks to provide that.
For all the criticism leveled at the ST70 over the past half centure, it remains one of the touchstone products in audio, and possesses a magic that most high-end audio components never come close to. The only real negatives I find with it are 1) lack of power compared to a larger amp and 2) subpar performance in the low frequencies. It took me 25 years of overlooking them, only to discover as one of the finest, most engaging products I've encountered.