What will raising the Va of atransformers provide?

I have a dual-mono custom built solid state power amplifer with a pair of 500Va transformers. The power supply is in a separate chassis/housing.

Is there any merit to increasing (upgrading) to upwards of 1000Va transformers? What kind of sonic benefits can this provide?

I realize in my lay understanding of amplifer design that this retrofit will likely require a cascading change-out of other components (resistors, etc.) as their requirements will have to be matched to the higher Va transformers.
If so, what are some examples of the better quality manufacturers? I am not concerned about price.

Atmasphere is correct. I was describing transformers whereby you want the same rail voltages and are just swapping transformers with one with higher VA ratings, but the voltage in/out (turns ratio) is the same. If you change the turns ratio from the original transformers without playing with the power supply circuitry, your power supply rails voltages will be different. Guys, and ladies, "always on" describes that the device is always turned on. it does not mean that it is biased towards full output capability. You can bias where the devices are "just" turned on (class A) or you can bias where the devices are cooking at full rated current output (full power class A). If I bias a 100 WPC amp on at 25 WPC, it is biased class A at 25 WPC, but it is still class A. Just not 100 WPC class A.


Thank you for the much-appreciated in-depth responses.

I should have also indicated, in my very limited knowledge of the subject, that I am aware that it is not a simple swap-out of one pair of transformers for largers ones. This naturally

Ultimately, though, as I've learned from all of you, is simply trust one's own ears. My custom main speakers - Van L Speakerworks/Quartet - are absolutely wonderful and about as far as I could have them designed (Deuland VSF Copper caps/resistors/cast inductors/SilTech gold internal wiring/WBT connectors/Eichmann Toppers/Scan Speak Revelator tweeters & custom dual-motor 5.25" bass drivers. My 'sub-bass system' is a pair of REL G-1's. My apologies for the boasting. I'm just extremely proud of this set-up. The intent with this Q & A is to [hopefully] make sure I'm not leaving anything on the table when it comes to getting the fullest reproduction available.

Thanks to all again.

The intent with this Q & A is to [hopefully] make sure I'm not leaving anything on the table when it comes to getting the fullest reproduction available.

Well heck, you could try out some tubes in that system :)
Response to Magfan - System is on a dedicated 20a circuit with 12ga solid core wire. Current amp is standard Class A/B design, V-caps, 14ga solid core silver internal p-t-p wiring. Speakers efficiency is 90db+ (conservative). Listening is largely on weekends. Music is jazz, big-band, rock, blues, piano, electronic (Eno, Bob Holryd, Harold Budd, John Hassell, etc.)


Thank you very much for your information sent 9.13.11. I agree with your response and will make sure my amp builder is on top of the rectifer & filter cap aspects (I'm reasonably sure he probably knows, but I'll talk to him nonetheless).

I've narrowed down the selection to a pair of Plitron 1500Va's. Their being potted and and being "low noise" are what sold me. After much research it appears they've got a reputation for quality. This is not to nay-say anything of the other manufacturers out there but I am comfortable with the decision. The challenge now is to try and avoid musical DT's for however long the build will take....

Thanks again.
