PASS LABS INT-150 or X-250 with X-1

well,what can i said,need an info from ur experience with this model.
I'm come from simple background system(receiver,integrated),and this the first time i use separate.
amp is PASS X-250 hook up directly to BEL CANTO DAC3.
what i'm looking right now is touch of warm sound!
the set up now have detail,sound stage,clear and bass punch out from my speaker(DYN C-1)but .....less musical(i guess).
so,if i added X-1 pre to my set up is that can fill the gap of my system?
or simply sell X-250 & just bought INT-150(it will make her happy cause the amp sit in the floor now.)
but my concern about this INT is the watt,from 250w(X-250) down to 150w(INT-150),am i gonna lose the bass i like now?
I have heard both the X350 and the X350.5 and I do not think they sound as differently as everyone has been saying. I have auditioned both courtesy of members of my audio club. I do hear more detail in the X350.5 but the signature is still the same. I think that what I heard is borne out in the changes that Nelson has made in the X.5 series. He replaced the front end Fets with Jfets that have much lower noise. I think thats where the extra detail comes from. The extra output devices will give a little more power but I think it does not change the amplifier's signature. Pass always biased his amplifiers pretty hard to get the output fets to operate a little more linear. Does the X350.5 sound better? Absolutely! The details are more apparent in the X.5 amps but the amps have the same sonic signature and do sound very similar with the X.5 amps revealing some hidden details.
I own a Bel Canto DAC3, and have owned an X1 pre which I have upgraded to a Pass XP10. I'd characterize the X1 on the cooler side of neutral. If you are looking for more warmth and dynamics, I'd urge you to go to an XP10. It will also add a bit of bass warmth too, but still keep the depths you have been getting. I have run the DAC3 direct as a pre, and didn't get the dynamics and soundstage I wanted, but am getting it in droves with the XP10. There have been a few offered here around 3K lately, which is a bargain for the quality. Good luck!
thanks for explanation,
added XP10 still out of my budget but,i think i'm better try INT-150 since they have XP10 as preamp:O
Hi Honeyooi,

I have an INT-150. It will drive your speakers just fine. The INT-30A will as well unless you really push the dbs. The INT-150 has been described as a 150.5 plus the XP10, but this is really not the case. There is no real "preamp" section in the 150, just a buffer for volume control. The INT-150 is not warm sounding, just low distortion. I would describe it as clear and full range. Really nice. You should listen to one and let us know what you think.
hi karl,sorry for late response.)
yes,now i'm tend to change my set to INT-150.
so far my listening habits is bad,louder the better for me.
also the C-1 come alive when push it louder too:-)