Which speaker post to use: 4 ohm or 8 ohm?

OK, this is hardly an emergency, but I have an ARC VSi60 intergated amp connnected to Green Mountian Audio Continuum speakers and I'm not sure which of the amp's speaker posts to use. It has 4-ohm and 8-ohm available. The speaker's designeer told me the speakers were 6-ohm virtually across the spectrum. Right in the middle.
I know John Atkinson's measurement column in the Stereophile review of the VSi60 stated that the speaker impedance should be higher than the terminal, implying I should use the 4-ohm terminals. But I've tried it both ways and I'm not sure I hear any difference. So I guess it doesn't matter.
But i would like to hear your thoughts on the subject!
He posted that he cannot hear the difference, so preference may not be the issue, but tube life is, the 4ohm tap driving the speaker is easier on the tubes.
I think the Green Mountian Audio Continuum speakers are easy to drive so the difference is not so apparent but I would try one setting for a few weeks (at least) and then try the other (if you have not done so already).

sorry for my earlier post OP I did not read your post completely...

It seems to me either 4 or 8 OHM uses more windings on the power supply so the quality of the sound should be higher even if tone is similar?

Thanks for all the input. I'll do one more comparison then if I can't hear a difference I'll use John Atkinson's recommendation.
What type of music or evualation standard(s) are you since you can not hear a difference?