Wyred STP-SE : Break In Times

Hi All,

I recently purchased the W4S STP-SE preamp. I have been breaking it in. It's nearly 350 hours now and feel like it hasn't opened up yet. Vocals are harsh, sound stage is limited and everything feels cramped.

Now, the manual says 200 hours, but does anyone have experience of breaking in much longer to get it to optimal sound?

I have experience with other Wyred products (DAC, MC amp), so I have a very good idea of their sonic character.

I'm just wondering if this is time to panic or wait it out, to say, 500 hours.

Any input appreciated.

I have found some history here and on Google about you and Wc65Mustang being the same critter and I will be posting very soon. Goes back to 2005 and 2006..Yeah know some of us never forget. Tom
What was it that they said in the Stephen King movie...SSDD?

Same Sh*t Different Day.
I remember Wc65 Mustang and some of the inflamatory posts.
I've had good days, and bad days on Audiogon...even had too much wine and made a fool of myself...but I've NEVER had to use fake names, change identities.
Tom has NEVER hidden his sale of these products...anyone paying attention knows this--only a confederate, a fraud would change their name, though.

Good listening,
Hi All,

Thanks for all the input in this thread.

I decided to persist to about 500 hours and see what happens. It started to open up at around 425. It's around 550 hours now and it sounds very very nice. I still think the highs have a slight harshenss to them - rather a tinge of metallic hissiness, but I'm hoping it will go away soon. The soundstage is much more wider, open and holographic.

I did try plugging in directly to the wall and it only made a minor difference in my system.

In any case, I'm still surprised as to why it took over 500 hours for it totally open up. I'm glad it's atleast not any problem with the components themselves.

Thanks for the input!
Maybe your source is not what you thought it was, stp-se is ruthless in revealing equipment and speakers.