Krell 3250e vs Classe CA-2300 vs Levinson 532H

I am shopping for a new amplifier to drive my Aerial 9 speakers and wanted to hear some opinions.

I know there are several new amplifiers on the market and am considering pairing the following with my ML 326S preamp.

Krell 3250e
ML 532H
Classe CA-2300

If you have experience with any of these amplifiers I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm open to other recommendations too.

I own a CA-2300 and I love it. I have not heard the other two but Home Theater Review's Andrew Robinson has reviews up for all three. You might want to read these. He rated the CA-2300 with the most stars.
I would strongly encourage you to consider the new Mark Levinson 500H Series amps. Powerful, quiet, cool running amps that will provide a lot of bang for your buck. This is what Kevin Voecks who designed the Salon2's uses. I also have used them to power my Salon2's. Also, customer service has been AWESOME over at Harman in my personal experience.
I think the CA-2300 is more liquid in the highs and has a more natural midrange than the Krells. The 2300 is a bargain, IMHO.
Hi, I would seek out a used Krell 700cx if I were you, this amp has better highs and mid-range than any of the amps listed above period!, coupled to a top tier Ayon digital player, the match is a perfect marriage!, sweet none analitical, none brittle, none grainy highs!, mid-range off the chain!, very smooth!, analog sounding!,,remember this amp is by far and away one of the best solid state amps available!, those who truly know this amp will agree! Happy listening!