Dude's 6SN7 replacements with Chinese CV-181/6SN7

After about 3 months of breaking in the Dude, I think it's time to do some 6SN7 tubes rolling. I know this topic has been discussed before but I missed the thread.

Instead of the NOS 6SN7 tubes, I am thinking of trying the Shuguang CV-181Z or the Sophia 6SN7. Both are very similar prices at about $200/pair.

Have anybody tried any of them before with your Dude preamp?

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.
I'm going to try some Pope Holland 6SN7's that I have in my Dude. It sounds so darn good with the tubes that it came with from Paul that I have no desire to change but I'm curious.
For 6NS7s, I find the nicest highs/upper mids (fleshed out, not piercing or aggressive, but still with lots of detail and extension) are the RCA VT231 and the Brimar Black base ones, but the bass is soft on both of these with systems that are not rock-solid in the bass to begin with. (the VT231s are especially loose in the bass to my ears, and I have tried 3 of them from different sources).
I've been using CV-181 Black Treasures in my Dude for about 3 weeks now. I agree they need some burn-in time before they open-up and "bloom". I'd say mine need some more playing time but even at this stage they are an excellent choice. Very extended on both ends of the spectrum yet natural sounding.
A top amp manufacturer loves the Brimar but where can I get some ? Ultra-rare, they seem.
My Dude is about a month running in my system now...theres a really lot

to like but tube rolling will be soon... Im assuming the 6sn7s are all i should be looking for...the others just keep in as per Paul
? Thanks