Gryphon Colosseum vs. Karan M2000 monoblocks

I've been on the search for desert island amplification to partner with my Sonus Faber Futuras for a while now. The contenders has been narrowed down to either the Gryphon Colosseum (Stereo) or the new Karan M2000 monoblocks. The price offered are more or less the same.

Preamp will probably be Gryphon Mirage or Pandora if going for the Colosseum, or the KA L Ref.MK3 if going for the Karan M2000. I'm also considering a tube preamp as an alternative - especially the Conrad Johnson GAT.

I would truly appreciate ANY feedback regarding these poweramps and brands. If anyone has experience with both, that would be most valuable.

Source will be Brinkmann Bardo/10.5 tonearm/Pi cartridge for analog playback. Digital playback is yet to be decided, but I'm using an Audio Aero Prestige SE at the moment.

My room is approx. 6x5 square meters. I'm mostly listening to small scale rock/pop/acoustic, classical and electronical music. The system will be used for music mainly, but also film.

This may help your decision: Gryphon strives for maximum detail and transparency while Karan amplifiers are in the Pass/ Classé / Plinius / McIntosh camp: plenty of musicality, smooth sound and just enough detail to sound really nice but not overcooked.
Seeing that you own an Audio Aero Prestige SACD and Sonus Faber speakers, my bet is that you will enjoy more the Karan amplifiers.
Good luck!
Hi Casouza,

Thanks...good to know. I have not had the chance to hear Karans before, but certainly read good things about them. As to Gryphon and SF, i moved from CJ tube amp to Gryphon Antileon many years ago, and found the Gryphon matched the tube magic of the CJ, but provided substantially more authority, weight, snap and clarity (and obviously dynamics and bass).

From a 'general' standpoint, i have found that Class A SS amps (old Forte 4, Gryphon, Boulder 2060 and also Pass XA and Karan?) often provide the SS solidity many of us enjoy while delivering a treble & mid that feels quite tonally pure.

Likely a personal choice of 2 Class A SS amps.

Have you ever compared Karan to other amps?...would be interested in learnign more about your experiences with them. thanks.
The Colosseum is SS Class A...thru 2,560 continuous watts into 0.5ohm load...and always in Class A. So in other words, it instantly deliver dynamics at any level...and as a result the music becomes effortless.

Lloydelee21, your 2nd sentence is total B.S. The class-A nature of the Gryphon has no relationship to it delivering on dynamics instantly.
Do you mean to say that class-AB, class-D power amps do not deliver instantly on dynamics???