Integrated Amplifiers with neutral sound

Besides the Bryston and Simaudio what other Integrated
Amplifiers would sound good with warm sounding speakers.
Thanks in advance on Your opinions.


But really impossible to answer since you provide so little info.

How efficient are the speakers?
What kind of music do you listen to?
How loudly?

Oh yeah, and how much are you willing to spend? New or used?

And why do you think your choices sound good with warm speakers? What do you mean by that?

Bryston and SIM are to excellent choices, why more? Price? Don't like those brands?
conrad-johnson CA200 is neutral and is not at all harsh or analytical. It's easy to listen to but would not add additional warmth to your speakers.
I had a Bryston B100sst for 4 years and while I did enjoy it the Bryston has a ground loop problem (slight hum from speakers when source was selected and nothing playing). The Simaudio is very good if you like detail. To me that detail made me listen to my equipment and not the music - too analytical. The Naim is excellent (very musical) and would have bought one except I tried a tube integrated (Octave V70SE) and decided to go that route. Tu-be or not tu-be?! :)