Integrated Amplifiers with neutral sound

Besides the Bryston and Simaudio what other Integrated
Amplifiers would sound good with warm sounding speakers.
Thanks in advance on Your opinions.
Thanks You all for response.
I have Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 speakers and they are very
similar to the Totem speakers. I have had Simaudio Moon 340i
and to me sound was analytical. I'm listening mostly smooth
jazz, not too loud.
My limit is $5K.
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Pathos (Classic or Logos) have a much more involving sound than Sim or Bryston.
Isn't SIM the amplifier that Totem, (like Fritz?), uses at trade shows? When you say SIM sounds to analytical, I wonder of what you really would like is a tube integrated or a Class A integrated - like the PASS INT30. How much power do you need to drive the speakers? How sensitive? What kind of impedance characteristic?
For $5k and for smooth jazz I would consider Rowland, Pass and perhaps MBL.