Best kt88 for VAC Avatar Super

Hi, my Avatars tubes need to be replaced, I have read allot about new kt88 tubes. Right now I'm considering between Genalex Gold Lion KT88 to Shuguang KT88-98.
I have got dozens of recommendation about the Genalex. With a short corresponded with Kevin from VAC I have been told that the Chinese tubes are prefers, and especially the VAC KT88.
Does anyone has an experience with that issue and can give me some recommendations?

Darn it, that makes so much sense! Buying 5 would have been wise. But my order shipped this morning. Funny that the tube dealers don't suggest this to all their OCD audiophile customers. I wonder if they keep the test results so they could match one more?

Over 30 years an audiophile, first year in tubes... and lovin it, despite the learning curve.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
You can trust Roger Modjeski's tube matching service. His tube have biased very closely in pairs per channel in my amp. BTW, he plans to test the TungSol KT120s (by popular demand on his forum). Hopefully, he'll then decide to carry/sell this tube.
OK, with only 5 hours on them, these new issue Gold Lion KT88s are starting to show their stuff. I'll report in as they find their groove in my VAC Phi 200. So far, they sound good, not great, but good – like a mass-market stereo system at its best.

I'm ordering the Black Treasures KT88-Zs soon, so I'll be able to A/B them when the BTs burn in, in about, what, a year or so? Sounds like they take a long time, but are worth it.
stick with the kevin recomendation he knows best.i have had 2 of his amps and he knows his tubes,you are better off buying them from him also