Does your system take you there or...?

Happened to purchase a Cary AES Super Amp (original) and AE-2 pre for my office. While I was breaking it in, I noticed it does the detail thing a little better than my Manley 300B/Steelhead combo.

After listening a little while and reading some reviews, I noticed that someone had made the distinction between gear that "takes you there" and gear that brings "there" here. After some more listening back-to-back with the same music, I came to the conclusion that the AES equipment does a better job of "taking you there" but the Manley gear brings "there" here into my room in a big way. Definitely different presentations.

Would appreciate others thoughts.

Just like Elizabeth to throw doubt into the mix. We all know 'doubt' is the virus that infects all in this hobby. Let us all face it, 'knowing' is just never going to happen.
I have experienced the effect you describe, but can't explain it at all. One might generalize and say that if the system brings the musicians into your room as opposed to you into their recording site, then it is less accurate and editorializing on the signal. The point is reproduction of the original event in it's original space. The musicians are not recorded in your room, they are in their recording site. I like it when the system gives me everything needed to map out the recording site and present it in my room, but I also enjoy conjuring up musicians in my room as if they are here right now. It can be spooky and subjectively more successful as a HiFi experience. I think both approaches are valid since HiFi should also be fun and a pleasure. Sounds like both amps have similar levels of attainment, but just different presentations. This speaks highly of the AES/Cary's which sell for alot less dollars. Good thing one is destined for your office, or you would have a hell of a time deciding which to keep. Now, if you are listening to Ani in the studio, then by all means let her play right in your room in front of you. This is how my Vintage tube system presents her and it is an absolute gas. When I play her live, like on "Living in Clip" she is transported into my room along with the venue's sound. Sort of like the hall is now in my room along with her singing and playing right in front of me... also a gas.
My thoughts:

The more a system can retrieve micro details, the more it's going to give you back what the microphone picked up "at" the recording making it easier to create the illusion of being at the venue. Also important, the more your equipment reproduces the correct harmonic structure of the notes, the more it will seem like you are there. This puts a lot of it on the recording itself and how much gets lost on its way to the final product you listen to. Mikes, mixing, phase, mastering: lots can get stripped.

I hear what you're talking about. It isn't the highest thing on my bias list but I'm thinking it's more important than I thought. My goals have been to have a system that could do the best recordings really well and still make the lesser ones fun to listen to. So far, so good.
I have to honestly say that in my current system it really depends on the recording. Some recordings absolutely put me in the venue to the point where I feel I can describe the exact dimensions and characteristics. With others There`s a sublime presence of the musicians and vocalist definitely in my room, living breathing flesh and blood.
It`s become very addictive.
My system often takes me there but sometimes forgets to bring me back. Once I was virtually stuck in the Village Vanguard with a bunch of hard drinking circa 1963 "Madmen" era glass clinking smokers for almost 6 hours after Bill Evans had gone home.