Does your system take you there or...?

Happened to purchase a Cary AES Super Amp (original) and AE-2 pre for my office. While I was breaking it in, I noticed it does the detail thing a little better than my Manley 300B/Steelhead combo.

After listening a little while and reading some reviews, I noticed that someone had made the distinction between gear that "takes you there" and gear that brings "there" here. After some more listening back-to-back with the same music, I came to the conclusion that the AES equipment does a better job of "taking you there" but the Manley gear brings "there" here into my room in a big way. Definitely different presentations.

Would appreciate others thoughts.

I may the the only one here who LIKES my "untreated" room sound...and admits it! Reflections be damned! I'm gonna find out what Ani DiFranco smells like and send some essence to Pmburnett...I assume it's pachouli any case, spread some around the room and close your eyes! OFF YOU GO....
Agree with Pubul.

I like to be about one section back dead center at the symphony and I like something similar when I listen to a symphony at home in my MUCH smaller (than the symphony hall) listening quarters.

Also I am with Wolf regarding untreated rooms. You can fit the system to the room or fit the room to the system. I prefer mostly the first approach because it is a lot more practical and will likely deliver better results for lower cost in the end.
When it returns me I often make it stop at the store so I can pick up some stuff. Now THAT'S realism.
I'm of the opinion that the pursuit of excellence is encrypted in the DNA of an audiophile.With that thought don't we all want the musicians to be here as opposed to us being there? Why else would you spend a gazillion dollars on audio gear,unless of course you're an equipment freak,but that's a subject for another thread.