Does your system take you there or...?

Happened to purchase a Cary AES Super Amp (original) and AE-2 pre for my office. While I was breaking it in, I noticed it does the detail thing a little better than my Manley 300B/Steelhead combo.

After listening a little while and reading some reviews, I noticed that someone had made the distinction between gear that "takes you there" and gear that brings "there" here. After some more listening back-to-back with the same music, I came to the conclusion that the AES equipment does a better job of "taking you there" but the Manley gear brings "there" here into my room in a big way. Definitely different presentations.

Would appreciate others thoughts.

"Why else would you spend a gazillion dollars on audio gear,unless of course you're an equipment freak,but that's a subject for another thread."

I can't imagine anybody would spend a gazillion on audio gear unless they are an equipment freak. Doesn't mean they are not also a music lover, but you don't have to spend that much usually just to get really good sound IMHO.

Of course, its also all relative depending on finances and priorities as well I suppose, so who's to say.
I'm most satisfied when the system takes me there. From experience this realm is the most difficult to achieve.

A system that can replicate that experience reliably is a system to be admired. I also feel this is a more accurate representation of the recording itself.

My system is very groovy, baby, yeah!

It really takes me there, no doubt.

Not quite sure where exactly that is, but at least I do enjoy the ride.
The recording is of "there" not "here" - if it sounds like they are "here" something is wrong, probably lack of resolution needed to convey ambient cues of place (where the musicians are).
If it's not a live venue recording then I suppose "there" is inside the engineer's head. I can accept that usually, and since I listen to a lot of small group piano jazz my only complaint sometimes regards weirdly wide soundstage drums, but I can live with that. I've mixed a LOT of live small venue shows and the goal is to get an even sound to everybody...not so simple...I do minimal EQ if possible and rarely compress anything (kick drum sometimes)...a little stereo reverb makes the crowd feel better than they actually do.