Jolida 102B paired with Boston Acoustics A200???

Hello all,

I am a newbie and am considering a switch from vintage solid-state to a new (cheap) tube int amp. I've got my eye on the Jolida 102B which is 25 WPC. Do you think this amp could properly drive a vintage pair of Boston Acoustics A200's?

Current System:

Pioneer SX-750
Technics SL-1350 w/ Grado Gold
BA A200's

Thanks for any and all info/opinions!
I see no reason to be concerned unless you have a large room and like to crank up the volume. That's a real honey of an amp, btw. But, I'm real partial to EL84 valves.
I had a Jolida SJ-502a that I ran with a pair of Boston Acoutics A-60s. Very nice sound, and I regret that I got rid of my Bostons. I suspect that you'll be very happy with the sound of the Jolida 102B with your Bostons A-200.
Glad to hear it guys, thanks for the info! I'm searching "Jolida" almost every day here on Audiogon, haha. Gonna wait till there's one close enough for me to do a local pickup.

I run my A200's with a 50wpc Arcam Alpha 8, solid state which easily drives them in my fairly large 29' -15' room.
So 25wpc tube should work well.

Also consider upgrading your A200 feet and add spike's if they are on carpet. About 20.00 ttl parts and 1 hour of labor. Nice improvment..
Parts express sells spike kits, 6.00 per speaker. 5.00 worth of oak wood @ Home Depot. 2" wide 1/2 thick. Paint black or leave natural depending on speaker color.
Energy CB-20 sounds really sweet with Jolida too!
97db sensitivity means 25wpc is actually loud!