Favorite 845 tube monoblocks

What is your favorite 845 tube monoblocks, which loudspeakers are you driving with them and which preamp if any are you using?
One that was born in the USA: I have Cary 805s driving Verity Parsifal Encores. Joule-Electra pre-amp.
Cary 805 AE, Maggie 3.6's (believe it or not), and either a Conrad Johnson ART or ACT 2.2 preamp.
Another USA born amp.
deHavilland Aries 845G
Along with the not USA
Horning Aristotes Ultimate
Tron Syren pre-amp
Audion Black Shadow, in my case driving Zu Definition 2. Against Mastersound, Viva, DeHavilland, Cary, Nagra P-P and others, the Audion consistently reveals more of what's in your recordings, more convincingly than other 845s -- though it's hard to go wrong with nearly any 845 SET amp.
