Best legacy preamp-amp combo for $1000, is what?

I am an audiophile on a budget who thinks that affordable used older gear can equal or exceed the sound quality of much of the latest high-dollar equipment. As an example,I personally prefer the sound of my Hafler 915 preamp to both an Emotiva USP1 and a Parasound J3 which I recently auditioned in my system.
My current secondary system consists of the Hafler 915 pre, a Hafler XL 280 amp, an Oppo BDP 83 and a Denon DP61F table with a Blue Point Special cartridge, playing through Vandersteen 2CE speakers.
I'm looking to upgrade the pre (it needs to have a MC phono stage) and amp and sell my current ones, but wonder what legacy components would be a significant step up over what I have. I have recently sold my Integra P304 and Denon PRA 1000 preamps because, although nice, they didn't have the detail and transparency of the Hafler 915. So I know of a couple of legacy components that wouldn't be a step up, but would like to hear what other Audiogoners feel they would be looking for if they were in my situation.
Thanks in advance,