Are all Linn products made in Scotland?

If not, then where are all or some of their products made in?
Wolf_Garcia and Cathode
You two are very poor examples of what a member should be like on Audiogon. Please leave this forum and never do any business with me ever! My question was very simple and straight forward. Only you two have turned this into some circus because you can not answer a simple question. Not even sure what your problem is anyways? Why are you even here if you can not give any clear answers or contribute anything meaningful?
Hello everyone,

To anyone this might be of interest to I wrote an email to Linn and asked them directly. They told me that all of their products are still being manufactured in Glasgow Scottland. That's nice to know!

Thanks again to Polk432. The only one here that was adult enough to give me a couple of normal answers. Everyone else just talked about nothing wasting everyones time. I guess they let kids on this site now.
Although I did simply and DIRECTLY address the question in my initial post (or was I indirect? not sure...), I am honored to be lumped into the same "circus" as Cathode since his post was well done and hilarious. Bravo.
@ Wof_garcia if you think your initial comment of, "I love my Japanese akito" is a proper response to my initial question, then I guess you and I have a completely different outlook on how someone should answer a simple question. I am new to Linn and like me most people may not know about the Linn Akito Tonearm. I am sure you thought you were being so witty in your comment. Anyways, you never even bothered to answer my initial question. So is the Akito made in Japan or Scotland? Or do you just like the Japanese sounding name? If it is made in Japan then a proper response from you could have went like this: I love may Japanese made Linn Akito Tonearm. I am not sure where other Linn products are made in though. Now that's called a proper response and contribution!
If this is how you react to something as silly as a thread on an internet forum, I sure hope you don't have any major issues to deal with in your life.