"Neutral/Clear Amp vs. Dark Amp"

It seems that of the many reviews I read about amps within my price range (under $5,000 new) they always end with some reference to a "dark" sound. That is exactly what I am NOT looking for. I'm looking for a clear, neutral sounding amp that won't add anything other that a clear representation of the music. I'm thinking maybe Classe, Ayre, Pass, Sim Audio? I'd like to hear other recommendations. I'd also like to stick with SS, as I have a deHavilland preamp and it mates well with SS amps. Speakers are Von Schweikert 4.5's and I use silver wire throughout. Listen to digital and analog, all types of music. That's the key. It has to sound like music, otherwise why bother? Currently using a McCormack DNA-1. It's a good amp, just looking for a significant upgrade. Another choice is to send the amp back to McCormack and have them do some significant upgrades.
Bryston keeps things very neutral while staying quite musical to my ears. SST series is very good, and SST2 is even better.

What's best for $5k depends on preferences and power needs IMO.
"I'm looking for a clear, neutral sounding amp that won't add anything other that a clear representation of the music."

There isn't an amp built that "won't add anything" , but there are many that don't leave as much a noticable signature than others regarding the subjective term neutral and what each individual percieves that as. What you may call sounds like music the guy recommending may have a very differant view of that with his ears. Many would even go as far as recommending some tube amps that don't play dark and play quite detailed and clear with a hint of warm which to them sounds natural ie musical. What is it thats lacking in sound with the DNA-1 to your ears that makes you want to change would help.

What you want is an amplifier that can produce a "Live" sound, the way real instruments and music sound in person. I've been looking for that sound too. Of course the other components in your system must support that "Live" sound too, especially the source. It's not an easy thing, at least in my experience. And, I want that sound without any leanness in the mid-range and low end. It seems that sometimes "neutral with clarity" comes at the expense of "bass weight" or bass impact.