"Neutral/Clear Amp vs. Dark Amp"

It seems that of the many reviews I read about amps within my price range (under $5,000 new) they always end with some reference to a "dark" sound. That is exactly what I am NOT looking for. I'm looking for a clear, neutral sounding amp that won't add anything other that a clear representation of the music. I'm thinking maybe Classe, Ayre, Pass, Sim Audio? I'd like to hear other recommendations. I'd also like to stick with SS, as I have a deHavilland preamp and it mates well with SS amps. Speakers are Von Schweikert 4.5's and I use silver wire throughout. Listen to digital and analog, all types of music. That's the key. It has to sound like music, otherwise why bother? Currently using a McCormack DNA-1. It's a good amp, just looking for a significant upgrade. Another choice is to send the amp back to McCormack and have them do some significant upgrades.
I currently use DH Labs Revelation interconnects and Clear Day Cables Shotgun double runs (4 sets bi-wired) for speaker cables. Both these cables made a huge difference. I'm also considering a Parasound A21, Mark Levinson (No. 27, ML-3 or ML-9), or Edge. Tough to say without being able to demo any of these amps in my house. I'd say I'm leaning towards a used Classe (CA-200 or 201) or Pass (X-150 or X-3) or new Odyssey Stratos Stereo Extreme. Yes, I'm always looking for that 'live' sound. I currently get that in my system, just looking for an upgrade to better sound in the amplifier stage. I have found that the VR 4.5's need some serious current/power to make them come alive. I used to use a VTL-ST85 but it literally ran out of gas, even though the 4.5's are spec'd at 90dB efficient. The DNA-1 I have puts out 185 watts per channel and that seems about right. I am going to find out more about getting it upgraded as well. Don't think I am ready for clsss D amps. I'm not knocking their sound, just that I want a more classic system. I don't know the H20 or Sugden amps but I want a one-box amp and the Sugden SPA-4 is only 50 watts (yes, I read all class A, but still only 50 clean watts). I could bi-amp with SS on the bottom and tubes on the top -- I've had that before. Just don't want the complexity of that right now.