"Neutral/Clear Amp vs. Dark Amp"

It seems that of the many reviews I read about amps within my price range (under $5,000 new) they always end with some reference to a "dark" sound. That is exactly what I am NOT looking for. I'm looking for a clear, neutral sounding amp that won't add anything other that a clear representation of the music. I'm thinking maybe Classe, Ayre, Pass, Sim Audio? I'd like to hear other recommendations. I'd also like to stick with SS, as I have a deHavilland preamp and it mates well with SS amps. Speakers are Von Schweikert 4.5's and I use silver wire throughout. Listen to digital and analog, all types of music. That's the key. It has to sound like music, otherwise why bother? Currently using a McCormack DNA-1. It's a good amp, just looking for a significant upgrade. Another choice is to send the amp back to McCormack and have them do some significant upgrades.
You might want to try the Sanders Sound Systems Magtech amplifier. I have previously owned the McIntosh MC-402, Krell FPB200, Spectral DMA-200, Edge M8M and a few other great amps that I just can't think of right now. You can try it for 30 days at no cost as Sanders pays the shipping to you and the return shipping in the event that you don't keep it. I drive the big Duntech Sovereigns with this amp (by big I mean 74" H X 18" W X 33" deep and weigh in at 375lbs each) The sound is magnificient. I have owned these speakers for 24 years. And by the way, all Sanders Sound Systems products carry a lifetime guarantee. Happy listening no matter what path you choose. I'll guarantee you the Magtech amp will make your Von Schweikert's walk and talk.
I currently use DH Labs Revelation interconnects and Clear Day Cables Shotgun double runs (4 sets bi-wired) for speaker cables. Both these cables made a huge difference. I'm also considering a Parasound A21, Mark Levinson (No. 27, ML-3 or ML-9), or Edge. Tough to say without being able to demo any of these amps in my house. I'd say I'm leaning towards a used Classe (CA-200 or 201) or Pass (X-150 or X-3) or new Odyssey Stratos Stereo Extreme. Yes, I'm always looking for that 'live' sound. I currently get that in my system, just looking for an upgrade to better sound in the amplifier stage. I have found that the VR 4.5's need some serious current/power to make them come alive. I used to use a VTL-ST85 but it literally ran out of gas, even though the 4.5's are spec'd at 90dB efficient. The DNA-1 I have puts out 185 watts per channel and that seems about right. I am going to find out more about getting it upgraded as well. Don't think I am ready for clsss D amps. I'm not knocking their sound, just that I want a more classic system. I don't know the H20 or Sugden amps but I want a one-box amp and the Sugden SPA-4 is only 50 watts (yes, I read all class A, but still only 50 clean watts). I could bi-amp with SS on the bottom and tubes on the top -- I've had that before. Just don't want the complexity of that right now.