Considering Eastern Electric M156 Monoblock Amps

Anyone out there have any experience with the Eastern Electric M156 Monoblock Amps? They received excellent reviews and wanted some feedback on their reliability and performamce.
James Darby and several other reviewers gave them rave reviews. They actually put these mono-blocks up against 4 Einsteins and they were comparable according to them (44K versus $5K retail). I have read that EE makes a great DAC as well. I love my Ayon Audio Triton but would prefer mono-blocks providing it is the right product. Another reservation I have is follow maintenance during the warranty period.
The EL 156 history ends in the 1970's. It was designed for musical applications only. According to the folks I have talked to you would not want to change them. The designer of M156 used the old design to create the current tube.
John Potis had also written a very positive review. I'm curious what the rest of your system is like, especially speakers. Would you be fronting the M156 with the new Avant preamp? Do you find anything lacking with the Triton that makes you want new monoblocks? I have no experience with either product but am happy with the EE Plus Dac and found Bill from Morningstar very knowledgeable, pleasant, and courteous. It would probably be worth emailing or calling him to discuss. Also, I'm considering moving from a pre/mono setup to an integrated for the sake of simplicity/box reduction, so I was wondering what prompted your desire to move from what is considered to be an excellent integrated to separates?