review of Eastern Electric M520

I am very surprised not to see a review on this amplifier on Audiogon.
The model I purchased about 4 years ago was a special one with upgraded
coupling caps with Mundorf Supremes with the work done by Eastern Electric.
I have had many amplifiers and integrated over the years including very expensive ones by Jeff Rowland, Cary, Arcam, Mesa, VTL, VAC and this is my favorite. I have always preferred tubes overall and I believe that with the upgraded caps and some tube rolling that this is one of the best integrated
amps. anywhere near their price. The construction is excellent, reliability has been perfect, and the sheer beauty of the amp is very impressive. With the variable outputs between ultralinear/triode, variable feedback, and outputs this is a very tunable amplifier. I used fairly efficient speakers and the 24 watts/channel was very ample. Overall, highly recommended integrated with the upgraded caps. Call Eastern Electric for other mods available.
EE makes good stuff period-very underated.
My 8 watt mini-max integrated sounds better
than my Oddysey Stratos,AVA 260,Jolida 501 or heavily
modderd Hafler 500.

I am one of their Service Centers, and have not had an EE unit in for almost two years! Very special gear that hits way above its weight class.

Their engineer is magical with his transformer knowledge. Some people really 'get it'.
I had one for years and loved it. Quality of construction is superb and so is the sweet music it makes! Great, great stuff and Bill at Morningstar makes it even better!
I own three EE components: the M520, purchased in 2005; the wonderful phono stage; and the (now discontinued) CD player. The tube driver circuit on the right channel of the M520 shorted out in 2008 (trashing an expensive pair of NOS Mullard EL34's) but otherwise I've had no problems. These EE components get daily use, usually two or three hours per day, and sound great. I hope to continue to enjoy them for many more years.