Amp for Thiel CS 2?

I have been driving my 1986 Thiel CS 2's with a Hafler 9180 power amp. The Thiels are 6 ohm rated. The 9180 is rated at 105 W @8 ohms and 150W @4ohms. Does anyone have recommendations for alternative "reasonably priced" power amps? Is the 9180 giving me all I can get from the Thiels? Thanks to all.
If I'm correct, the Thiels drop to around 2 ohms at times. Make sure the amp can take it.
The CS 2's have a nominal impedance of 6 Ohms and a minimum impedance of 5 Ohms.
I had a buddy in the late 80s who used Spectral gear with his 2 2s. They sounded fantastic. His system is the reason I eventually moved to Thiel speakers. That is in spite of hearing them in a couple of different stereo stores where they sounded too bright and harsh to me. I just remember one store that had Bryston amps powering some CS3.6 speakers. The highs were drilling a hole in my head. My personal experience with Thiels is that high current amps work best. I quickly settled on the Pass Labs amp with my speakers. Buying it hurt a bit, but my pain was assuaged by the beautiful music that they make now.