Sonic atributes ultralinear vs tetrode vs pentode

What are the sonic attributes of and amp running in Ultralinear vs tetrode vs Pentode. Looking to get a new amp, but live in a rural area can't audition them all. I don't like what I have heard from Ultralinear amps, too hard sounding for me. A lot of new pentode amps on the market, can't audition any. Why pick one over the other?

I think that Pentode tends to have more drive, not sure you need that but you might.
Do you mean "triode" vs. pentode? It would help to have more info in re: what speakers, size of room etc.
Ultralinear uses taps on the output transformer to help broaden the frequency response (bandwidth).
Triode/ Pentode refer to the number of elements inside the tube that perform the amplification.
I know what triode mode is, its a pentode or beam tetrode "strapped" in triode. There are a lot of amps that use pentodes or beam tetrodes that operate in different modes. I know what an amp "strapped in triode sounds like and Ultralinear, I have an amp that functions in tetrode mode only. Maybe I just should have asked about a amp that operates in Pentode, but I thought a comparison would be more helpful and easier to put into words.
You won't hear so much difference between Tetrode and Pentode, but you will hear a difference between Ultralinear and the others. Ultralinear allows the tubes to approach triode linearity, while retaining most of the power that Tetrodes (or Pentodes) otherwise make.

So Ultralinear circuits make less distortion and tend to have a lower output impedance. If the designer is crafty and takes advantage of this, the result will be an amplifier that is smoother and more detailed, as removal of distortion usually has that effect. Ultralinear amps need less loop feedback in order to work, and in some cases don't need any at all. Loop feedback adds brightness to almost any amplifier, so if you can run without it you can have a more relaxed presentation.

However, not all designers will do that, so YMMV.