SET amp recommendation

Recently made the switch from Cary 805 AE to Atma Sphere OTL pre-amp and amp. The OTL dynamics and sound is where I live now, but still looking back over my shoulder at SET. I still have a Cary SLP 05 preamp with no one to play with. Can someone give me a recommendation for a good used SET (any configuration) amp for $1,500 or less. See a lot out there, but could use some guidance.

Yet another thread with too little information.......

You had a 50 watt SET so I'm thinking a 1 Watt SET might not work well for you but just a guess with so little info.

What speakers do you have, how efficient are they, what kind of music do you listen to, how loudly do you listen?

Speakers are Vienna Acoustic 91db sensitivity, I increase their impedance to about 12 ohms using zeroformers so I am not afraid of lower wattage amps. My listening room is small so what I hear is direct energy from the speakers. Music I listen too is not too crowded or heavily orchestrated, mainly vocal, acoustic and the like. Anticables connect everything together balanced or not. I guess what I am looking for is SET configuration that is not overly colored or muddy. The Carys were nice, but just say I am glad I didnt pay full price for them.
I hear ya, some SET amps are colored and others are crystal clear, much variation is available.
In your price range a used Grant Fidelity 300b (with the Shuguang Black Treasure 300b) would fit your needs, Reviews say it`s a quiet amp with good transformers(crtical for SET sound quality).
Best of Luck,