SET amp recommendation

Recently made the switch from Cary 805 AE to Atma Sphere OTL pre-amp and amp. The OTL dynamics and sound is where I live now, but still looking back over my shoulder at SET. I still have a Cary SLP 05 preamp with no one to play with. Can someone give me a recommendation for a good used SET (any configuration) amp for $1,500 or less. See a lot out there, but could use some guidance.
I gotta agree w/Clio09 the Music Reference RM10 MKII is the most satisfying piece of gear I've ever owned on many levels. Someday when my economics improve I hope to have a nice stereo SET or S30 just to play with alternatively. great fun when you know what you like isn't it?
Yes I agree with JWM, I am all over the map which is precisely why I am gleaning advice from the experts; so many amps so little time. My focus is quickly narrowing, and I am avoiding many a disappointing mistake to be certain thanks to this forum.

I am a big fan of the OTL and do not see that changing anytime soon, based upon the economics of listening room size, discretionary income, time I can devote, and subjective listening taste.

The endorphin/enkephalin release from tubes keep me addicted to experiencing different flavors and to that end all of your inputs are highly respected and valued with selecting another flavor to savor.