Pass XA Monoblock Amps

I know there have been many threads on these amps and the different levels of power with each set. To those who owned the Pass XA60.5 and went to the Pass XA100.5 monoblocks, did you feel that the change made a big difference in your system or was it not that noticeable whether played at low to mid level volume levels or high volume. I currently own the Pass 60.5 and am contemplating the Pass 100.5. Some people have suggested that it would take a move to the Pass XA160.5 for it to really make a difference but that would unfortunately be out of my price range. The room is 12 by 24 and the speaker load is 2 ten inch seas woofers, 2 seven inch mids, and the tweeter. They are 4 ohm with a sensitivity of 91 but a big speaker. Any thoughts from Pass owners of these amps would be appreciated. The other direction i can go would be to upgrade my Pre-amp from the Rowland Capri but my initial thought was that the Pass amp change would be more of an upgrade. Thanks for your thoughts.
I haven't owned any of the Pass monoblocks but do have an INT-30A. I think that for the money it would cost to upgrade to the XA 100.5s you could improve the sound of your system much more by getting a new preamp, and be able to change the sound in a variety of different ways.

Now to attract a little vitriol, I once read an interview with Nelson Pass where he said the amps of the XA.5 series all sound the same to him, the higher powered ones just have more power. I wish I could find the interview but I can't. This is not meant to question or aggravate anyone who has moved up the XA.5 power ladder. I'm sure that you have better ears than me and you really do hear whatever improvement you hear.

I moved up from the XA100.5 to the XA160.5. The former were great amps, but when I replaced my speakers to ones having a very difficult load, I needed more current and power. The XA100.5 shifted into classAB during demanding passages. They also sounded just a bit constricted with the new speakers.

After I inserted the XA160.5, everything sounded freer. The stage opened up a bit, dynamics improved, and surprisingly, there was better low level detail and nuance. The sound was a bit more round and palpable.

I was told by Mark at RENO something like you get a bit more of everything as you move up to the bigger amps. I don't know if I would notice such a difference with more efficient speakers. I suspect the improvements I heard are because my new speakers require the bigger amps.

Your speakers are much more efficient at 91dB than mine are at 86dB. You also have a larger room than mine, so it's kind of tough to offer advice about needing the bigger amp. Have you ever seen you needles move on the meter? If you have, you may want more power. I have always preferred the largest Pass amp I've had within the series, both Aleph and XA.5.

Regarding the preamp question, I have not heard the Rowland Capri. My XP-20 works extremely well with my XA.5 amps, IMO. You could contact Mark at RENO or a local Pass dealer and ask. I would want to demo the XA100.5 against the XA60.5 and also the XP-10, or XP-20 against the Capri. There are some great deals now on Pass preamps.

The needles on the amps move when i get to high volume levels . Thanks for your thoughts as well as Tom's thoughts. I know its hard to describe but I wonder what the Pass pre-amps bring to the match with the Pass amps as I have only heard my amps with the Capri. What i had read in the past about Pass Pre amps was that they tended to sound a bit on the thin side and were on the detailed side of neutral. It sounds like you are quite happy with sound you are getting from the XP-20.