How long it take before your system/amps sound

...the best. My system sounds the best after 12 hours of playing. I didn't realize this until I inadvertently left my system on overnight. I was surprised how much better it sounded compared having the system on for an hour or two. I have tube DAC and amps, which probably are the reason for long warm up. His really surprised me.
Ami, I get your point about my DAC. My DAC has a inrush current problem at turn on that has been destroying rectifier tubes, so it may be better just to leave it on.
I have Atma-Sphere M60s in a medium sized room. In the summer, I can not leave them on for more than 45 minutes before the room gets too hot. The AC will kick in and the AC noise pretty much destroys my listening enjoyment. The M60 consumes 600 watts total at idle and don't know how much my AC consumes. I would be wasting energy leaving them on all the time. But I can't forget the little glimps of heaven I had after 12 hours of leaving them on. It's winter now, so don't have to worry about the AC

You aren't listening loudly enough if your air conditioning is ruining your listening experience. :)
After two hours of warm up. SS equipment.And time of actual playing...not sure, probably an hour or a little longer. I did try a few times to leave it on for couple of days and heard no difference.