What amp for Q5's? Spectral, Solution, Gryphon

What amp would you recommend for the Magico Q5? Contenders include Solution 710, Gryphon Colosseum, Spectral 360 Series II, VAC 450, or Boulder amps?
If you go with the Spectral DMA 360's you will need the Spectral pre-amp.
The Audio Dealer that I purchased my Spectral equipment from said the 360's can only be used with the Spectral pre-amp. The manual that came with the 360's says it must be used with the Spectral pre-amp.
Not sure about their other amps.
The VAC would sound great also. If you go with the VAC I would also suggest going with a tube pre-amp.
Joe Nies
Congratulations on a great pair of speakers.

I don't think Magico recommends tubes or even class A Solid State with their speakers, but I would trust my own ears. I don't own the Q series, but do own the old Mini II. It's a difficult load, but I use Pass XA160.5 and think they sound great together. I know of a guy who owns the V2 and he uses the Pass XA100.5. I haven't heard his system, but he has a lot of exposure to Magico speakers and thinks they work well with Pass amps.

The Q5 is so transparent that you will hear the characteristics of the amp very clearly. Auditioning would be essential, IMO.
Hello Vav: You can try a Sanders Sound Systems Magtech amplifier at no cost to you. Check out their website for complete details. Do you have the Magico speakers? Regardless of what speakers you have you should at least listen to the Magtech with your own ears and not rely on the Hi Fi magazine Guru's. Trust your own ears. I am not saying this about you, but many "super audiophiles" wouldn't consider an amplifier that will deliver 500 WPC at 8 ohms and 900 WPC if it doesn,t cost at least $20.000 and weigh 150 lbs. Again if you are seriously considering an outstanding amp that will drive any speaker and has a lifetime warranty and is American made, you should at least consider this amp and hear it for yourself and not let someone else's ears make the decision for you. Good luck in whatever decision you make. Enjoy the music.