Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
Actually, there are a number of Class D amps available for Home Audio. Bel Canto, for example, offers a number of Class D amps. I believe NuForce does so also. There are others as well.

The real issue has been acceptance of Class D by audiophiles. The amps have a mixed reputation -- some listeners enjoy the detail Class D amps reveal in recordings, while others do not like the hard edge many Class D amps add to higher frequencies. I, for example, briefly owned a Bel Canto amp -- I didn't like the sound at all. But it is a matter of taste, so YMMV.
Nordic587 did you just come out of a coma? This site and others are full of comments on Class D amplifiers used in 2-channel and home theater applications. Some of the brands are very well known.

Obviously you have not been paying attention so I will give you one piece of advice. Beware of postings that do not identify which iteration of a product is being discussed and under what conditions. For instance the person posting may have heard the first generation of a product that is now in its third generation. That is particularly important for Class-D as that technology is still evolving.
Nordick587 - it must've been long coma, since this partial list of companies making home Audio Class D was compiled in 2008:

Acoustic Reality www.acoustic-reality
eAR202, etc (ICEPower)

Aivin www.aivin
DT300 (www.aivin) (Tripath)

Analog Research Technology www.analogresearch-technology

AudioArt (NL) www.audioart
Van Medevoort MA240 (Hypex UcD)

Audiodigit www.audiodigit
MC 8x100 (Tripath)

AudioResearch www.audioresearch
150.2, 300.2, 150M (Tripath)

AV123 www.av123
X-Empower, xAmp (prelaunch (
(Philips class-D?)

B&O www.icepower

BelCanto www.belcantodesign
Evo (Tripath) eOne (ICEPower)

Bertram www.audiokabel

Carver www.carverusa
300.2, 700.2, 1200.2

Cary Audio www.caryaudio
A 306 power amplifier (www.caryaudio)

Channel Islands Audio www.ciaudio
D100, D200 (Hypex UcD)

Chapter Audio www.chapteraudio
Couplet Power Amp (proprietary WMP class-D)

D-Sonic www.d-sonic
Magnum (www.d-sonic) (ICEPower)

DIYCable www.diycable
Exodus (www.diycable) (Hypex UcD)

Egosys www.egosys
Audiotrak DrAMP (www.audiotrak) (Tripath)

Elan www.elanhomesystems
D1200, D1600 (12 and 16 channel power amps, Tripath)

Electronic Visionary Systems www.tweakaudio
EVS-2 (www.tweakaudio) (ICEPower)

Flying Mole www.flyingmoleelectronics
(proprietary class-D)

Gilmore Audio www.glacieraudio
Raven, Raptor, Dragonfly (www.glacieraudio) m/ch (looks like ICE)

Halcro www.halcro

H2O Audio www.iceh2oaudio
M250, M500 (ICEpower)

Integra /Onkyo www.integrahometheater
DTA 9.4 (www.integrahometheater) 7x120W 8Ω

Jeff Rowland www.jeffrowland

Jjaz Audio www.jjaz

Kharma www.kharma
MP150 (www.kharma)

LC Audio www.lcaudio
Predator SE (www.lcaudio) (ZapPulse)

Marantz www.marantz
Opsodis ES-150 (www.marantz) (D2Audio) 2ch virtual surround

Medius [DK] www.medius
A II, A III (www.medius)

MG Audiolabs www.mglaudiolabs
Symphony (www.mglaudiolabs) (Hypex UcD)

Midgard Audio www.midgardaudio

MindCraft (NL) www.mindcraft
Media Amp One (www.mindcraft) (Hypex UcD)

Murano-Audio (TW) www.murano-audio
P500, P1000 (ICEPower)

NHT>Power2 (, Power5 ( (ICEpower)

Nuforce www.nuforce
Ref 8, Ref 8b, Ref 9 (nPhysics proprietary class-D)

NuVo Technologies www.nuvotechnologies
NV-P2100 (www.nuvotechnologies)

Onkyo www.onkyo
A-1VL, A-9755, A-9555 ( (?)

PSAudio www.psaudio

Red Dragon Audio www.reddragonaudio

RedWineAudio www.redwineaudio
Clari-T, Lotus (Tripath)

Rotel www.rotel
1077 (7x100), 1092 (2x500) (ICEPower)

Sharp www.sharpusa
SM-SX1, SM-SX100

Brontë (Tripath)

TA-DA9000ES, TA-FA1200ES (www.stoneaudio) (S-Master)

Spectron www.spectronav
Musician, Troubador (int amp w digital inputs)

TactAudio/Lyngford www.tactaudio www.lyngford
Millennium & others (Equibit)

TEAC Esoteric
AZ-1 pre-main (translated (babel.altavista))

ThetaDigital www.thetadigital
Virtu PowerDAC (www.thetadigital) (Zetex class-Z)

UniwaveTek www.uniwavetek
Anaco II

Yamaha www.yamaha