Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
"Some people here wouldn't know how to lighten up if they took an enema full of helium."

Now this is funny! I guess Wolf was thinking along the same lines when he called them 'elitist gasbags?' hahahahhaha
"I swore that day to be sensitive to you with any future posts"

Please define 'sensitive'.
It is difficult to evolve a system with proper synergy (I admit a term used too often). However, the room-source-preamp-amp-speaker combination is critical. I found that the Wyred4sound Class D amps when paired with my Modwright preamp works well. I have Von Schweikert speakers, not planars. It is a modest system. It works for me. Unfortunately you will have to try out different combinations until you find the right one, for you. I can only recommend Class D as heard in my system and in my room. Welcome to Audiogon, Nordic587. Post away!