TRL Dude Dilemna

Based on all the high praise for the TRL Dude preamp here and other sites, I took a chance and bought one from a local A-goner to see if it could displace an Air Tight ATC-2 preamp currently in my system. The two amps I currently use are a McIntosh MC-402 and Viva 845 SET Monos. It turns out that the Dude is not compatible with either amps due to an impedance mismatch. So I only got to hear the Dude in a compromised performance mode.
I was not quite wanting to give up on the Dude yet given everyone else's enthusiasm about its performance. I am considering the Samson monos as a natural match. I can convince myself that the Samson's could be better than the MC402..My real issue is that I would have to give up the Vivas. Not sure I can make the leap that a solid state amp will satisfy me as much as those SET Vivas. Then there is the leap of faith that I cannot hear the Samsons with purchasing them....
Has anyone replaced their SET amp with Samsons and remained satisfied with the decision? My speakers are the Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 which are about 90db efficient with an impedance 6.5 Ohms, +/- 0.75 Ohms 150Hz to 20kHz. Thanks for your input..
Ask Paul at TRL. I know there are guys in your area who own his big tube gear....

Responses (1-30 of 30)
Click title to read one, or click date to read all below it.

08-03-11 Nice review and good luck with the unit. i am asking if you ... Schipo

08-03-11 I first thought i would have trouble with the 2 knobs but qu ... Carey1110

08-03-11 I loved your review. thanks! bob Rsimms

08-06-11: Tthean
Can you share a little what is the difference between the Dude and the Sindo Vosne-Romanee you used to own? Dynamics, tone, transparency and etc...

Tthean (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-08-11: Carey1110
Its so difficult to try and compare the two preamps simply because the Shindo I'm told needs to be a complete system to be optimum. However I did have 2 Shindo preamps the Messeto and the Vosne-Romanee and I prefered the Messeto the cheaper one. Just dropping the Shindo VR v/s the Dude into my system was a night and day difference. First of all the Shindo cost almost 4x the TRL. They are well built as well but not 4x. I thought the Shindo was ok but boring as compared to the Dude. Once again Dynamics was a major factor here. Much more realistic and explosive, and not just large scale dynamics but also on a smaller scale. Slight changes in voice and instrument volume level changes were more apparent. Smaller background instruments were clearly identified. As far as Imaging goes, none of my previous preamps has even come close to the DUDE. The images are so life-like that I just can't believe it, so solidly placed. Sometimes I sit in the sweet and just laugh calling my son to come hear this. He says "how can it do that". I don't know but it sure does since the Dude came in. The ultimate in transparency. Tonality is the best, well real, real real. The Shindo I'm sure can sound very good as well or at least I hope so for the money they cost. However in my system, not even close.
Carey1110 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-18-11: Grannyring
Nice review Carey and my experience with the Dude over the past 2-3 years has been exactly like yours. It is the heart and soul of my system and really turns a stereo system into music!

My new Dude shares the same extra 6sn7's per side and extra capacitance of yours. I am enjoying my music collection like never before. Goodness you have had some great preamps in the past!
Grannyring (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-19-11: Sgr
Could you please compare the Dude to the ARC REF 3? I've really been interested in this comparison and you may be the first I've seen that's owned both.
Thanks in advance.
Sgr (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-19-11: Carey1110
The Ref 3 and 5 had very good dynamics and were the best in that regard (except the Jadis jp 200) until I heard the Dude. When I first heard the ARC units they really caught my attention with their seemingly transparent detailed sound, they have a high initial wow!!! factor right away. However over time I became disenchanted with the sound. The "detailed" sound in my system became annoying and sounded more thin, electronic or bright. With the Dude the music is more natural, not soft or warm but natural. As far as detail I have it throughout the entire music spectrum not just the top end. Midrange definition with the Dude is my system is far superior to the ARC. The ref 3 and 5 both had great soundstaging as does the Dude. The biggest difference with the Dude is that it makes you want to keep listening to the music not the equipment. Very close to real live music, complete with the excitment and immediacy of a good concert in a good acoustical enviroment. I'm trying to write while listening and my foot is tapping and I keep stopping to listen for a bit. All this gear is so system dependant and there are so many variable but I would be willing to bet the Dude will drop into most systems and shine and I believe that is because it is so neutral and transparent.
Carey1110 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-19-11 Thanks carey, i guess trl still will not do a remote control ... Sgr

08-19-11 I was used to using a remote for years and can relate to yo ... Carey1110

09-23-11: Tuongsy
Hi Carey1110

How does the Klyne LX-5.0 phono sound when hooked up with the Dude ? Also, which cartridge do you use in front of the Klyne LX-5.0 phono ?

Tuongsy (Answers | This Thread)

09-24-11 Wow!nice review!awesome pic!i want one!thanks for sharing! Raytheprinter

09-24-11: Linnmaster
Nice review - a very good read. I can totally agree with what you say about the Dude. Although I do not own the DUDE, I own the older series two unit line stage made by TRL.

P.S. If Redbull can's are not large enough, you can always substitute them for Coke cans ;) I did on mine, but one was not enough ...
Linnmaster (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

09-30-11: Carey1110
I love the Klyne 7PX 5.0 with the Dude. The Dude is just so transparent and dynamic that it just allows the Klyne to shine through. I would love to hear a TRL phono just to compare. Right now I'm using a NOS Monster Genesis 2000 but would like to upgrade to one of the ZYX models at some point.
Carey1110 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

10-05-11: Tuongsy
I heard the ZYX Artisans, (both the older and the newest models) with the Dude. It sounds very weak, even with different cartridges. I really do not know what was wrong. It may need a step up transformer. Another Audiogon member had the Herron 2 phono pre hooked up with the Dude. He loved it.
Tuongsy (Answers | This Thread)

10-10-11 Thats interesting, what phono did you hear the zyx with? t ... Carey1110

12-02-11: Bdpack
I have been involved with Audio equipment since 6th grade. Built Altec Voice of Theaters from kits, Dynaco's, Harmon Kardon, Eico and numerous other projects. Owned a Audio store for 40 years and still running. I have owned numerous high quality pre-amps; ARC, CJ, Jadis, VTL,CAT, MFA-Lumi, Hovland, Lamm and others. I purchased a Dude from Audiogon a few months ago.I think I'm still in shock; this pre-amp hands down is more enjoyable to listen to than anything I have owned. I always liked octal based pre-amps and now I'm convinced a 9 pin cannot pull this off. I have numerous speakers that never sounded so musical; Quad ESL-57, Magnepan 3.6, Duo's, Wilson Watt/Puppy 7. This product will become a classic; a steal right now.
Bdpack (Answers | This Thread)

12-02-11 Bdpack, amen to your post! it's hard for others to really b ... Grannyring

12-03-11: Charles1dad
The Dude really sounds like it`s very special. With the exception of audiogon contributor glory everyone else seems to love it.
Just out of sincere curiosity and respect I`d love to compare it with the Coincident Statement Linestage that I own.
Not in the sense of 'mine is better than yours'attitude, but just a fun matchup. These two linestages are both often praised for outperforming or competing sucessfully with much more expensive units.

I`d like to hear what they have in common and how they differ. I really get the impression you could`nt go wrong with either highly regarded piece.
The one potential problem is there appears to be no.'standard' Dude model as they`re custom built per client.
Still this would be fun to compare music with these two wonderful linestages. They could possibly be equal but different.
Best Regards,
Charles1dad (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

12-03-11: Grannyring

Yes, I have owned the original Dude and now the latest. Mine is also custom in that it has 2 - 6sn7's per side instead of one per side and extra capacitance. Mine also has a set of $400 Duelund Alexander coupling caps ( I put them in). Both the original Dude and my new Dude sound top notch and share the same circuit. The newer Dudes have a better Shallco volume control and wonderful fit & finish. Both sound very much the same. I say mine has even more Dudeness if you will. Improved transparency and detail are perhaps the most obvious improvement. I trust this is due to the improved 45 step Shallco and my Duelund caps.

I live in Southern, MN and if we could somehow get both pre's in the same system, I would be willing to take reasonable steps to make it happen.

What I think the Dude does that I have not heard in another preamp, is play with incredible dynamics, scale and aliveness with complete and utter ease.
Grannyring (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

12-03-11 Hi grannyring, i live near detroit mi. not exactly close. wh ... Charles1dad

12-03-11 Fuuny thing, i found a web site(while googling) where the au ... Charles1dad

12-03-11 Yes, i also found that site and was surprised to see me quot ... Grannyring

12-03-11: Chetatkins
i think Carey1110 should mail charles his spare dude so he can do a comparison
Chetatkins (Answers | This Thread)

12-04-11: Bugredmachine
Charles1dad - just swing by and I'll let you borrow my Dude for a comparison. I'm in Canton.
Bugredmachine (System | Reviews | Answers | This Thread)

12-04-11 Bugredmachine, thanks, i`ll send you an e mail later today t ... Charles1dad

12-12-11: Bugredmachine
Charles, glad you enjoyed the Dude. See Charles' comments in his system thread.
Bugredmachine (System | Reviews | Answers | This Thread)

01-19-12: Tuongsy

I received my Dude preamp last week. It looks amazing.It is the best looking piece in my system. The color is gold. Right out of the box, the Dude sounds bad. Up to now, it has been playing about 25 hours. The Dude is utterly shocking now. The transformation is not subtle. I am hearing details in the music that I have never heard before. The music sounds so real. I just cannot wait for it to be fully broken in. Paul Weitzel's customer service is outstanding. I am looking forward to purchasing new tube amps from him.

P.S: The Dude kept getting better everyday. I am so glad that I decided to buy it. I kept looking at it when I am at home. When I am not at home, I look at its picture on my computer.
When I am home alone ,I look at Jennifer Lopez on my computer.Am I missing something?
Mark, you're missing Eva Longoria and Anne Hathaway.

As far as the TRL preamp, I'm convinced it does things other pre's don't get.

With the addition of Deulund Alexander Caps (installed myself) game over!