Sophia Electric

Looking at the Sophia Eklectic KT88 mono blocks. Does anyone have experience with these or the company?
I use the Baby. If I could afford one of their more powerful amps, I wouldn't hesitate. I've had numerous phone conversations and emails with Richard and his wife. They are very willing to help and friendly. Their tubes are great also. They used to make an EL34 amp. I've been looking for one, but it seems everyone who ever bought one is happy with it because I've never seen one on Audiogon.
I too have a Baby and have found them to be excellent.
As above,I would have no fear of buying from them.
Have a pair of 845s on order. Have heard nothing but great things about Sophia amps.
I have a Sophia Electric MC 300A Integrated Amplifier which I use on AG Trios. Both the amplifier and the Company are top notch. I agree with mt1045 that the personal service one gets from this company makes buying anything from them a pleasure. I heard many different amplifiers for these speakers before getting the Sophias. Their electronics are very reasonably priced and outperform products costing much much more.