Which power amplifier match audio research ref 3

I need to find a power amplifier which matches my audio research reference 3. I am currently using Blue circle BC2, the sound is too soft and not so detailed .
Is Audio research 300.2 a good match?
Which do you recommend if i want rich voice?
I used to own the Ref 3 and now the Ref 5. My companion amp is the ARC VS 115. The match is naturally terrific. I am sure if you read through the various OPs on the Forum, you will undoubtedly see many Ref 3 owners who swear by their non ARC-amp matches. And that might be worth researching. But as a general matter, I think matching the Ref 3 with any late model ARC SS or tube amp will result in a low risk-high benefit outcome. I don't know what your budget is, but as an FWI, the recently discontinued Ref 110 amp is on the used market at prices that represent, IMO, a great value.

I second the suggestion to look at ARC amps (although I am sure many others would also work fine). I have used an ARC VT 100 mk III with the Ref 3, and also a VTL ST-150 (not an ARC amp). Both worked well, but the VT 100 was a better match, and has balanced inputs, which are a plus.

The VT 100 mk III shows up regularly here on Audiogon.
I would suggest a ss amp to go with this pre. When I had a Ref 3 I used it with a Hovland Radia and it was fantastic. As always, system synergy is the main issue.