Lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier?

What is the expected lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier (Krell, Mark Levinson, Anthem, Bryton, Pass Labs)? Is their any maintenance that can be performed to extend the lifespan of one of these amps?

Ah, luring the arrogant, denigrative tendencies out of those who simply can't resist the temptation/obligation to grace these pages with thier personality dysfunctions, the holier than thou, "higher end than thou" is a pleasure. Gotcha!:) They can't resist an opportunity to prop up thier pithy, fragile self esteem with yet another childlike attack, "mine's better than yours!" Your mission is not accomplished but mine is! Baiting curmudgeons is easy. Reveal yourself for all to see. They think they gain power thru these inconsequential immature rants. The inner weakness drives this behavior. They remain: WEAK...awww
Thanks Cathode for being a member of the "non-negative" group. Unfortunately, there are always members who are obligated, predisposed by personality to inject their conflict driven thoughts in conversations where conflict wasn't sought. They enjoy this denigating activity too much to refrain and seek out places like Audiogon where their alleged "knowledge" gives them some kind of entree. Some also actually bring some "useful" information to the discussion. Too bad the "salvageable element" of their post is tainted by the putrid grime of detritus ridden tendencies. Others just blurt out their childlike venom like they use to do at recess. Either way, the members not predisposed to or baited by this type of obvious and weak behavior, continue on here engaging in discussions with reasonable and like minded people. School's never out for some.

Oh my, you are quite the clever one aren't you? I'm so glad we have such a quick witted forum policeman on board.

denigating? (the correct word is denigrating. If you want to impress us with your vocabulary you should check your spelling)

Hold on a second, your idea that using low-fi, antiquated equipment to prove caps don't deteriorate is rightly, politely refuted and you consider this an attack? There is no "mine is better than yours attitude" in that. It is a simple statement of fact.

Your rants full of insults and abuse is much more denigrating than what you rant about. Probably one of the most ironic posts I've ever seen here.

Thanks for entertaining us.
