Bob Carver 180 Mono-blocks perform superbly

Is anyone in the Audiogon community using the Bob Carver 180 mono-blocks? I just placed a new pair in my system and I am really amazed at their performance. I am using them with the PS Audio PWD/PWT, First Sound MK-III and Tyler Acoustics D1 speakers. The price to performance ratio is outstanding. The Bob Carver 180's are producing an extremely clean, clear and open sound-stage. I can safely say they will compete with mono-blocks costing much more.
Johnnyb53, apparently you don't read the articles and how many times he stated he is not a tube person (since he dumped tubes for transistors). He never had a tube amp from about '93, til recent. Oh yes, from what I remember in his interviews, he prefers solid state at home. Not too long ago, he found some left over transformers from back then (about '90) and started making the big amps again, and selling them on Ebay for $17-18k.

You prefer solid state amps. It seems your lost again. You seem always say how great your Onkyo is, and your new solid state acquirement.
We all have our personal preferences in regards to solid state or tubes, etc.; that's what makes this hobby so much fun. All I can say is I have owned many amps and have heard a bunch more and I love the 180's! They are the best I have placed in "my system".
01-02-12: Thankful
We all have our personal preferences in regards to solid state or tubes, etc

I agree. I just can't figure out why a person who apparently likes solid state (E.g. Johnnyb53) posts on tube amp threads.

I still wonder if Bob Carver is doing it for the money now (some people are saying that's the reason) , since he made so many statements in favor of solid state. I prefer tube amps mostly myself, and on occasion use solid state. I also wonder if it sounds like his Silver Seven...

I'm glad people are enjoying the 180.
I'm a tube guy mainly but have owned and heard some great ss gear. I was told that Bob is making amps again with his partners because he was bored with retirement,as were they. Can't comment on his finances but if I were betting I would say money has nothing to do with it. If I had the skills of a Bob Carver I would never retire.
I have been following Bob Carver's listings of his amps on eBay over the last year. He has totally redesigned his legendary Silver Seven amps. He calls the new beasts the Silver 900. They deliver 900 wpc of tube power, nearly double the power of the original Silver Seven. The original Silver Seven amps delivered 500 wpc. On one of his posts on eBay he mentioned that he makes amps now when he has the time. He says that he has a day job and that he is not retired.

Link to Bob Carver New Big Ass Amps