Bob Carver 180 Mono-blocks perform superbly

Is anyone in the Audiogon community using the Bob Carver 180 mono-blocks? I just placed a new pair in my system and I am really amazed at their performance. I am using them with the PS Audio PWD/PWT, First Sound MK-III and Tyler Acoustics D1 speakers. The price to performance ratio is outstanding. The Bob Carver 180's are producing an extremely clean, clear and open sound-stage. I can safely say they will compete with mono-blocks costing much more.
Hi Dracule (or anyone can help me)
I'm ready to replace the coupling caps in mt VTA180 but unsure which ones.
I have pictures taken, would you help locate these .22mF caps?
Please email me at
There's a good image of the under side wiring on the Carver LLC site > Products > Images > VTA 180 jpegs.
Thanks Vic,
My amp circuit laid out a bit difference.
I see 2 large Vishay with value on them as 100v 85 degree C (only these came with symmetric pair. Doesn't sound right?
How big are these caps? I also see a pair which noted 224J 630V - not sure which ones
I can send pic.
My amp is using caps denoted as Joule, not Farad
And nothing is match to .22mF :(
Any help would be appreciated
I try KT120s in Cherry 180 with good result :)
Produce stronger bass and larger soundstage, mid and high at least as good as Gold Lion KT88
I got green light from Carver staff to use these, he said KT120 will add extra 10-20 wpc. Still need time for break-in, I'm still around 5 hrs of break in period
Happy listening :)