Tube Selection Help

I have had my tube gear for at least 10 years, but never though much about the actual tubes in the gear. I currently have a VTL TL2.5 pre, pair of re-issue VTL TT-25 amps, S3/5 Spendor speakers and original Rega Planet CD player. I listen mostly to jazz, folk, bluegrass, acoustic type music and like a warmer side of neutral sound with good soundstaging. Current tubes are: (i) pre - 2 X 12AUTA, Sylvania yellow bolt USA label and 2 X 6350 no names I can see - black plate and D getter and (ii) amp - 8x EL 84 current issue by JJ and 4 X 12AT7 JAN Philips (I think made on 10/85). If it matters, I have a picture of the no-name 6350 and the Sylvania and box markings for the Philips. I would appreciate any thoughs on these tubes in my system and what tubes to consider replacing first to improve the sound that I like. Thanks
I would describe my listenng and music preferences as similar to yours. Tube Compliment for VTL 2.5 is listed as:
2 x 12AU7, 2 x 12AT7. I would think your Sylvania's would be pretty nice but I have no idea on your 6350s. Black plates and D getters are a good start on most input tubes though IMHO. NOS Telefunken 12AU7s and Bugle Boy 12AT7s might be a nice combo to try. They are smooth and lively and let the amp's warmth come through. In your amps, I think the JJ EL84s are as good as you can do for new production, I have these in a Ming Da amp and were a big improvement over Sovteks. You may have to go to NOS EL84s to do better. I will let others recommend NOS EL84s. These can get pretty pricey but not as bad as NOS EL34s or KT88s. Overall I am betting your current tube set is pretty darn good.

However, if I had your Spendors, I might look to go to an EL34 tube amp(s). You will generate more power and they will give you a fuller sounstage and mid range warmth in spades. Sveltlana or SED EL34s are hard to beat for new production and sound great to me. I wonder if the EL84s are giving you enough power to drive the those excellent Spendors at I am guessing 20/25 watts per side.

Another upgrade you may consider is adding a good inexpensive DAC (V-Dac ii maybe) to your mix and bypassing the Regas and just use it for a transport. This would give you better sound and also give you stored music playback capability if you want to venture there down the road. I know that was not your question, just a thought.
Hoopster, thanks for your thoughtful response. You have given me some things to think about. My amps will go 45 watts in tetrode mode, but possibly more warmth would be nice. I will see if I can find an el34 amp around town to try. I wonder how much more warmth tube choice can bring me with what I have now? Happy New Year!
I have a set up similar to yours with a modified Fisher 400 receiver and Rogers LS3/5A speakers that I use to listen to Jazz, Country & light rock music. The system sounds great and has plenty of power provided you don't listen @ ear splitting levels. I generally listen to music at a moderate levels, enough to get the full sound stage out of the system but not so loud that it hurts my ears. I have never heard the VTL Tiny Triodes or the TL 2.5 preamp but have read nothing but good things about them. If you went to a EL 34 based amp you would need have 2 pairs per side since a pair of EL 34s only puts out about 40 watts depending on the amp, which is about what you have now.

I have a VAC PA 90 mono blocks with 4 EL34's per mono block, which I think would be over kill for your speakers unless you like to crank them up to 100 db range.

I think you would be better off talking with a couple of knowledgable tube dealers and let them make some recommendations on tubes. Andy @ Vintage Tube Services and Jim McShane @ mcshane design are two excellent tube dealers that I would recommend. By the way NOS EL34 tubes are about twice as expensive as NOS EL84 tubes. I am sure you can get a lot more out of your system with better tubes.

Good Luck,