Dual volume control - it should be standard

Why don't they all make preamps and integrateds like that?
Recently I got Redgum integrated with volume control for each channel. What a difference. You just do it by ear for every recording or even individual tune. Simple and great idea.

Inna, for what ever reason; you're right about that right channel thing. I "always" dial into the center channel, and everything else falls into place.
Two volume controls would always be better than one and a balance pot. It is however a bit more fiddly to adjust the levels. Here is a trick I saw Steve McCormack demonstrate at a High Fi show: He set up a preamp with the two volume pots connected with a friction string system like on an old school tuner. You can let them turn together while just moving one, or adjust them seperately if needed. I'm thinking "why doesn't everybody do that"
Not sure it can be done very successfully with stepped attenuators - unfortunately (maybe with 41 steps).