Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Sorry, lost the last of my post somewhere in the computer world, to Fundsgon, you might look for a pair of CA-M400 if the country of origin is a concern, I wanted to post my impression of differences between the two. If I was looking for home theater I might go with the new design, especially if they were going to be in a cabinet.
Wow, done with Classe. I also try to only buy from US, Canadian, or European companies. I will buy Japanese HiFi, but try not to buy if it's been farmed out to China.
In addition to my concerns about quality and brand value, I was also pleased to find a product made in my hometown that sounded so good. So I have to decide if I'm willing to risk quality and value and live with the minor disappointment that another manufacturer has left North America for China.

I will put the order on hold and think more about this.
While I understand that a lot of "Made in China" parts are subpar and that it is bad for the ecomony for U.S. manufacturers to outsource I get uncomfortable assuming that it is not possible for a "Made in China" product to also be a quality product. To assume this isn't possible is to assume that Chinese people have no pride in their work. If a manufacturer sets things up correctly, especially a small business, I think that quality does not have to suffer. Only time will tell with Classe. There is an added element of risk to be certain, but there is no reason that the quality must be subpar.

There are several good reasons to not purchase "Made in China" products that are unrelated to quality. Just don't blindly assume that it will all be junk.