Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
If America loses this secret war, we (as a world leader) are finished.

The country is already on life support and it will take quite a bit to get it back on its feet, let alone back to its former position as a world economic leader.

Trouble is China is NOT going to be anywhere near the nice guys we were.

Very true, the Chinese government is licking its chops.

(Trouble is we were really not very nice guys,..)

Glad someone realizes this.

As for Lenin, he was bad, but the Tsar's before him and Stalin after him were far worse.
Life support?
Try a dead corpse being fought over by vultures for the scraps.
Jea, market share and sales volume? Unless capitalism doesn't actually
work; though this may be a hobby where paying $2,000 more for the exact
same product may actually make it sound better to the owner.

Slave labor? I hardly think so. Too much Pearl Buck and demonization - at
least for this type of product. Maybe commodities and cheap, low value
added products. True, China's labor practices may be closer to 19th
century US, but not for long, they are squeezing 200 years of development
in 20-30 years.
Pubul57.If Your butt was put in an average Sino factory you would commit suicide within 6 months.
Mao, the largest mass murdered in history tried the 'Great Leap Forward'. Apparently back yard steel mills don't work.

By the time Mao went room tempreture, he was responsible for the deaths of 60 to 70 million Chinese....more than Hitler and Stalin put together, maybe.

The final toll of China's current modernization efforts are yet to be told. The human, environmental and sociatal costs will be incalculable.