Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

Yes, indeed. Germany (as well as Japan) modeled themselves after us as we were the greatest economic and societal power, at the time. From WWII on to the Reagan years we witnessed the greatest middle class advancement in the history of the planet. Someone didn't like that and started to dismantle the model that made us what we are. Germany and the northern European countries took it to its logical end and look where we all are now. Imagine if we stayed the course. Everywhere would look like Newport Beach. Other countries would be stealing our sh*t.
Denmark is one thing, Sweden another, not to mention Norway.
Here's some French:

Can't get the link to work but knowing you from your posts, it had to be good and/or thought provoking.
And here comes British-French alliance. I bet it is better than any Chinese/North Korean.