Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
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It's a global economy now and will become more so as time goes on. Its the natural progression of things. Other than complain, not much choice but to get used to it and adapt. Change is hard.
Mapman is right - the other shoe has dropped and we are waiting for it to hit the floor. My motto, since I became aware of the inevitability we face, has been, " I can't keep it from happening, but I might be able to keep it from happening to me". Now I'm starting to think I've been kidding myself with that one.
What happens if the Oval Office and both Houses go Republican? We could all get notices the following week that our mortgages are being called in. Instantly, we become a nation of renters. Think in terms of the quintessential coal mining community where the company owns the housing and the only place to buy anything (including food) is from the company. No money anywhere to be seen because we all work for the company and we all have charge accounts at the store that we cannot afford to pay off because our wages are scaled to keep us that way.

Somebody please, tell me why that won't happen.

I agree with what you said, but I will add this, none of this is being done behind closed doors or in smoked filled back rooms, it's being done right in our faces, and we like little easily manipulated sheep just go along. That revolution that we fought for at such a great price was stolen long ago. We didn't notice or care because we were living better than the rest of the world.
Unfortunately this country is finished - sold out by big business and politicians - it is not a question of if, but a question of when. We are forced to buy alot of stuff from China as part of everyday life essentials. For non-essential (luxury) items where there is a choice to buy American (i.e. Audio Gear) , I avoid Chinese stuff at all cost. I have owned some if it in the past, but at this point I would sooner buy used gear made in the USA than new gear made in China. It is just a personal choice, but I am remined of it every time I look at my young Grandson and ask myself what he will do for a living when he grows up, and what opportunity will be available. Everyone can't work in Health Care, Service, and Retail. There will soon be nothing else left.