Are Mcintosh Tube Amps really all that?

May I ask what makes McIntosh tube amps so enviable to own. Is it novelty? Is it a cult following? or is their reputation merited? If so, then why? I would like to hear the forum's opinion. I don't trust "published" reviews.
I have used all the old classic McIntosh amplifiers in several systems and I consider them to be THE classic american sound. Look at Japan for example and you will see that many audiophiles there are real lovers of McIntosh....maybe we can say, that without these guys, we would not have any McIntosh amps (older tube and SS) around.....not mention old JBL speakers or and Ortofon(SPU) will be forgotten .....
I used to have an all Mac system incl C1000 tube pre and Mc2102. I have listened at length to the Mc275 and 2301 monos. The sound on all Mac amps is rich and smooth and relatively neutral. The products are built to last a lifetime. Customer service is very strong. In my experience the Mac amps are not the very last word in transparency. Instead the slightest hint of dark traditional tube sound is there. Can be very alluring. The great rep is IMHO very well deserved.
I think a fair response is that McIntosh makes decent stuff, some of which is quite good sounding. I do not know what current production build quality is like. It's important to point out that the company has gone through a number of ownership changes over the years, but manufacturing has always remained in Binghamton, which, unless the ownership changes featured large work-force reductions, suggests that experienced techs (and new techs overseen by experienced techs) have always been used to manufacture the gear, a very important thing.

It's also fair to point out that there are a number of newer manufacturers that make better gear, and in some cases, much better gear, than McIntosh (in order to avoid controversy, I won't name any brands). But it's also true that such gear tends to be more expensive. Because the quality of the output transformers and size of the power supplies are critical factors in the sound of a tube amp (the other most important element being the choice of tubes), and because quality output transformers and power supplies add both expense and weight to the amp, the quality of a tube amp can generally be determined from its price and weight, i.e., the heavier and more costly a tube amp is, the better it sounds, generally speaking.

Like B&W speakers, McIntosh is one of the few high-end audio brands that non-audiophiles have heard of, and as a consequence, new audiophiles who lack knowledge of other manufacturers often buy McIntosh (and B&W). This increases resale value and is another good reason to buy McIntosh. Many experienced audiophiles have had the experience of buying really expensive high-end gear that is little known in the broader audiophile market and therefore quite difficult to resell.
I've finally reached a place in life where I can afford nicer stuff. Having been one who appreciates quality,  I've had to make the best out of lesser things along the way.  I've lived a great many years with Champaign tastes and a beer budget.  

For years,  my home stereo consisted of a pair of Heathkit A-9b amplifiers that I had rebuilt salvaging only the transformers and the chassis.  These have given me many years of delightful music at about 23 watts per channel. 

My entry into high end equipment was recent,  and as another writer suggested above,  my knowledge of high end equipment was,  and still is,  limited.  My choice was the Mcintosh MC275 Mk VI and the Macintosh C2600 tube preamp. 

What motivated me was several things.  First,  I have a fascination with older technology that works.  The MC275 has been in production for over half a century.  

Second, sound quality.  Listening to these in the store,  I could pick out shortcomings in my existing equipment,  which is hard to do; those old Heathkits have some nice iron on the output side and conservatively used their components. It wasn't just the difference in power,  the MC275 had a better transparency than the old Heathkits. That was a rare experience for me as most systems I listened to were disappointing compared to those Heathkit amps. 

Third,  build quality. As others have stated,  Mcintosh has a great reputation for quality construction and using quality components. 

Fourth,  resale value. One would be hard pressed to find another brand where the difference in the cost of a new unit and the cost of a used unit is often less than 20%. I could drop 10k and get 8k back off e-bay 5 years later if I want to sell.  If I dropped dead tomorrow,  my wife could sell the equipment for enough to bury my fat rear end.  

Appearance,  while I love the mirror finish chassis on the MC275, the layout is a bit awkward for me.  The connections are on the same side as the switches,  and either that panel or the tubes will be on the side.  So,  appearance didn't sell me on the MC275. 

Appearance on the C2600 is beautiful with the glass front panel. Not a deal maker or breaker for me,  but definitely a plus. 

Connectivity on the c2600 is also very nice and so is the remote. 

Anyway,  I'm very satisfied with this equipment.