Naim Nait 5i-2

Looking for a small floor standing speaker that matches well with Nait 5i-2. Will be used in small room, so deep bass and loud volume is not an issue. Prefer under $1000 used. Also have read lots of conflicting opinion about benefits of Naim cabling, curious on experiences with this. Thanks.
I see a lot of positive reviews of the Nait 5i-2, but little mention of the Naim CD5i -2. Thoughts on the CD player?
The CD5i-2 is an excellent CDP. Their was a bigger leap forward with the CD5i to CD5i-2 than the Nait 5i IMO. The main difference is the old CD5i had hard edge in the highs, the 5i-2 got rid of it. Their should be some reviews of the original CD5i out there. They're pretty similar, but the 5i-2 is a good bit more refined overall.