With Naim amp - Naim or Teddy Pardo PSU ?


I'm looking for updgrading my Naim with additionnal PSU.
I have seen Naim Hicap 2 - Supercap is too expensive for me.

Then I've seen Teddy Pardo PSU's that are cheaper than Naim.
Q : Do they offer similar quality and performance than the Naim ?
Q : I have seen DualTeddyCap or even TeddySuperCap, are they better than the Hicap 2 - or even the Naim Supercap ?

Thank you for your answers !

Teddy Pardo website :
I was looking at this myself when I had a bid in on a Superline. The British websites have a lot on this; probably much more than you will find over here.
I bought one and was very happy with it. In a weak moment I sold them and now have another Superline. I got in contact with TP some time ago but when I use the site given it tells me that it a dangerous site and to leave it. ??