Anyone using a NAD M3 with Maggies?

I am looking at upgrading my Jolida 302a. I auditioned the M3 paired with Focal ~800 series speakers and it sounded fabulous. I have Maggies 1.6qr and wondering how they would sound with the M3.
Has anyone heard maggies powered by an M3?

Do you think this would be a good mate?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for all the recommendations. I travelled to Toronto last week and bought a bryston 4b st. It arrived a couple of days ago and I hooked it up the maggies. All I can say is wow! A match made in heaven.

Thanks again
I actually did hear that combo and it was very good. I was interested in the Nad but they would not let me take it home so I moved on.
I have used the M3 with the Maggie 1.7s since since purchasing the Maggies in mid 2010 and this is an excellent combo. After living with this combo, listening to far more costly systems have yet to impress me.

Of course there may be better amps for Maggies but there is no reason to be afraid of the M3.