Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.

>>Spatial presentation is sacrificed to power, as often happens with gutsy push-pull amps.<<

Has an error. I meant to type:

Spatial presentation ISN'T sacrificed to power, as often happens with gutsy push-pull amps.

agree to what extent i can. haven't had the opportunity
to sample any other amps of same type side by side. i have
the audion 845 quattro, an older model, 4 boxes.attached to
dunleavy first reaction to them was that they were
like magneplanars with bass. you are right, they excel with voice ( and piano). i also have dared 845 amp in another place ( thru klipsch forte II) which give similar impression.
not likely that i will move them side by side. they are large beasts in different homes.845 replacements difficult/expensive to get.Chalky white for the shuguang 845s is good characterization but only in comparison and
not objectionable day to day.
What tubes have you tried with these amps. Have you heard the Viva amps and if yes how would you compare them.
First, compared to other tube amps, I consider 845 SET in general to be exceptional contenders for superb musicality on a wide variety of speakers. So my comparative comments in response to question are just that -- comparative.

In isolation a Dehavilland 845 is a fine amp. Compared to some of the better alternatives, it has a consistently dry, desiccated character that isn't poor, but it lacks tonal body in a relative sense. I wanted intensely to prefer the Dehavilland, being USA made, but it just couldn't transport me far enough to an experience of musical integrity -- with any tube. And to the extent it matters, her industrial design is pitiful. It wouldn't cost any more to make a more visually-pleasing amp.

The Viva particularly, and to an extent the also-Italian Mastersound, has a vintage "slow" voicing of old school tubes. Shindo-like, which isn't to me a good thing comparatively. It is a big, voluable, romantic sound, but missing the speed, quick rise time and dynamic splash of the Audion and Sophia. Pleasant and rounded but not nuanced and vivid in a lifelike fashion. I am describing differences of degree. The NFA is more open than the Viva, but still sweetly flavored by comparison. The Dared, I think no longer made, is a sleeper at a low price, especially if the input and driver tubes are replaced with better NOS options. Based on all the rest of their gear, I have high confidence in the Melody Valve Hifi 845 SET monoblocks.

I've heard the KR 845 in some of these amps, the Shuguang 845 A, B and C in most. Also vintage NOS RCA and United. I've avoided the low-plate dissipation Full Music 845s. Consistently, the B tube is the value point, and quite reliable. I have a pair going on 7 years that still test quite strong.

The Japan-sourced Tri (Triode Corp) also has old school voicing, but i am certain all of these amps can be further voiced for more realism by re-capping the power supplied. I recommend Bob Hovland for this kind of exploration.

First, compared to other tube amps, I consider 845 SET in general to be exceptional contenders for superb musicality on a wide variety of speakers. So my comparative comments in response to question are just that -- comparative.

In isolation a Dehavilland 845 is a fine amp. Compared to some of the better alternatives, it has a consistently dry, desiccated character that isn't poor, but it lacks tonal body in a relative sense. I wanted intensely to prefer the Dehavilland, being USA made, but it just couldn't transport me far enough to an experience of musical integrity -- with any tube. And to the extent it matters, her industrial design is pitiful. It wouldn't cost any more to make a more visually-pleasing amp.

The Viva particularly, and to an extent the also-Italian Mastersound, has a vintage "slow" voicing of old school tubes. Shindo-like, which isn't to me a good thing comparatively. It is a big, voluable, romantic sound, but missing the speed, quick rise time and dynamic splash of the Audion and Sophia. Pleasant and rounded but not nuanced and vivid in a lifelike fashion. I am describing differences of degree. The NFA is more open than the Viva, but still sweetly flavored by comparison. The Dared, I think no longer made, is a sleeper at a low price, especially if the input and driver tubes are replaced with better NOS options. Based on all the rest of their gear, I have high confidence in the Melody Valve Hifi 845 SET monoblocks.

I've heard the KR 845 in some of these amps, the Shuguang 845 A, B and C in most. Also vintage NOS RCA and United. I've avoided the low-plate dissipation Full Music 845s. Consistently, the B tube is the value point, and quite reliable. I have a pair going on 7 years that still test quite strong.

The Japan-sourced Tri (Triode Corp) also has old school voicing, but i am certain all of these amps can be further voiced for more realism by re-capping the power supplied. I recommend Bob Hovland for this kind of exploration.
