The best integrated amplifier

Hi All
Right now I am using a Marantz PM-KI Pearl amp to drive Esoteric MG-20 speakers. I feel that a better amplifier would give them a bit more get up and go. I would like to stick with an integrated and have short listed:
Pass Labs INT-150
Moon 700i
Audio Research dsi150
GammuT Di 150
As a starting point for auditioning. Now to the question:
Is there anything else I should put on the list?
Any experience with the products listed would be helpful.
re: "... However an owner said that you better have warm speakers and it might not do so well with poor recordings..."

I am an OSIRIS owner. From direct personal experience I do not agree that "warm" speakers are required. We test-drove many different pairs before settling on our final choice.

Any brand top quality gear will highlight any shortcomings in poor quality recordings. The amp simply reproduces what is fed to it... "garbage in = garbage out" as the homily goes. That points to either the quality of the source or the recording, or both.
I have a couple of suggestions, but it partly depends on power needs. I prefer tubes, but one of the best amps I have heard, regardless of topography, was the Lavardin IT, only 50 watts though.

The best SS I have heard, cost no object, was the Dartzeel 8550. Unfortunately, cost is always an object, so I will never own one.